Sunday, May 28, 2006

Lonely or just plain old desperate?

A while ago someone asked me to write a comment on hi5…What started off as an innocent request led to me to something much bigger…After writing the comment and all that…I decided to browse the website…To see if I couldn’t find someone with similar tastes or something like that…Damn, was I shocked…

I never realized people were so desperate…And I’m not just talking about the guys…I mean girls putting up their half-naked photos up for the whole world to gawk at and god knows what else…I mean…Seriously what have we come to? Do people really have nothing better to do then to go up to an online profile and begin describing how “Big” they are? Or am I just some sort of a relic from the past who fears the unknown?

Now the comments system is moderated by the user…Nobody can place a comment without the users approval…Which brings me to my next point...Most of the comments I’ve seen are…

A) You’re hot and I want to be your friend…

B) You’re sexy and I want to lick you…

C) You’re cute and I’ve got a big cock…

D) I’m 37 years old and I want to make friendship with you… ß Seriously…Wtf?

Yes there are 37 year old pedophiles who go around trying to make friendship…No I don’t want to know what the hell they mean by making friendship…Something tells me it’s not what they really mean…I just wonder why people are so thick as to not realize it…

Now…Why the hell do people even allow these comments? Are they really that desperate? Or is it just me again?

Now if you’re wondering if I’ve made any comments or sent a message to any of the members…Yes I have…If you’re wondering if I used the message to hit on any chicks…No I haven’t…I mean…Out of all the profiles I’ve visited I’ve only found one person that I might like as a friend…Only one person who’s got a brain? Is that what the world is coming to?

Please note that I didn’t visit any profile of people I personally know…I was disgusted enough as it is…I’d rather be in the dark then realize that the people I’ve always known are just as sad as the rest…

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Hmm…Is it true? Are all relationships between people meant to end one way or another?

Is there no such thing as an eternal friendship/relationship etc.?

I mean c’mon…Are we supposed to believe that when we die we lose touch with everyone that we’ve loved? That we won’t ever see the people we’ve lived with ever again? That even if it’s heaven we’re meant for…It’s going to be just us? All alone? With people we’ve never met before? That seriously doesn’t sound like my idea of a paradise…If all the people we’ve grown up with are destined for hell and you’re destined for heaven…or the other way around (I’m not here to judge)…Are we supposed to accept the grim reality that they’re gone…forever?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

N00bish Teacher

We the students have scored a victory over our teacher…

Apparently…Some unknown student tried to install a copy of counter-strike: condition zero on one of the school computers…He was an idiot…He didn’t know how to type the serial number or how to crack the bloody game…Well, where he failed, we succeeded…

After getting the games to run, we get to spend our morning’s fragging each other while everyone else is in the assembly…Slowly roasting in the sun…HA! Take that stupid school, we’d rather sit down and play a bit of counter-strike instead of jerking off to the heat of the sun…

All in all, if you’re wondering whose to blame for all of this…It’s the school itself…They gave all those who are working on the school yearbook special access to the computer lab…

Oh yeah, we made more than one copy of the game on each pc that we copied the files to, you should’ve seen the teacher trying to delete the game while the pc was set on a student account…Must’ve taken about 5 minutes for her to realize her mistake…

Edit: Game’s have been removed…But I’ve managed to get messenger to work again…


Hmm…Dammit, I’ve been waking up at around 1:30 am this past week, I always seem to have a headache…And I’m a bit on edge too…And people are asking me what’s wrong...You try getting less then 3 hours of sleep everyday and you come and ask me if you still feel good…

Anyways…I’ve decided to take things into my hand…by getting an alarm and setting it wake me up at around 1 am…Take that sandman…I won’t let you wake me up when I want to go to sleep…I’ll wake myself up…

I think I might be going crazy…Then again I might’ve been born like this…