Monday, April 09, 2007

The enviroment sucks...

There is nothing called global warming…

I’ve heard of a lot of bullshit in my life, but geez…This is seriously some of the most ridiculous crap I’ve ever heard.

I mean, c’mon just think about it? Even if they are right? What’s the big deal? Most scientists say it won’t affect us for at least 100 years?

And I doubt any of us will live long enough to witness the sea’s drying up and the mountaintops exploding in blazing inferno.

And even if they do, won’t that be awesome? We barely get to see anything interesting happening these days.

If you ask me, I just think that Mother Nature’s been getting really lazy these days.

I blame junk food and obesity on it.

And what’s gotten into people these days?

Do people honestly believe that eating healthy is more important than looking good?

Do people actually think that what you are deep down inside you is what counts?

Face it, you live in a shallow world, the only thing people are going to judge you by your face and how fat you are.

This is a shallow planet we live on; it’s time we adapt to it…


Arwa said...

Yeah about global warmin..get over yourselves ..yer not gonna live till that're going to be DEAD.. who cares to what happens to earth after that?I know I don' xD..take care of people living in the present before you think of the future wallah..'3aba2..
let THEM work their issues..xD
Oh that's selfish... but right.. =P
Aween, suddenly people are the most caring and considerate..pffft..

Nice layout BTW ;)

Castelluca said...



alex said...

] An' de next' frawg dat hydrocodone houn' pup seen, he pass him by wide.. What do tylenol you ask for meals and lodging until this time to-morrow? he interrupted.. The taxi always reminds me of the table d'hote. celexa. ' insulin Come, come, said Edward, when they found themselves alone, let us look on the bright side.. He appeared everywhere where it was specially elavil desirable that our denomination, or our party, or our class, or our family, or our street, or our town, or our country, or our state, should be fully represented.. Was it chance or fate that brought Elder Brown in front of a bar? The glasses shone bright upon the triamterene shelves as the swinging door flapped back to let out a coatless clerk, who passed him with a rush, chewing upon a farewell mouthful of brown bread and bologna.. Brede, leaning yasmin on Mr.. may roam about on the scene, they need not be interfered with; they remain tamiflu harmless because they are unable to put in motion the motor apparatus which alone can exert a modifying influence upon the outer world.. If the chain of associations be followed up which proceeds from one element of fioricet the dream one is soon led back to another of its elements.. And they would prove as terrible a warning to him as the fatal characters upon Belshazzar's phentermine wall.. What is paxil it? demanded the old gentleman, a bit testily.. The successful Inmate did as he was told, but in a very fioricet rough way, pushing against two or three of the Class.. Analysis must also generally omeprazole supply the common features.. Experience had shown us that lipitor a cure and a consequent mastery of the obsessing ideas did result when once those thoughts, the connecting links between the morbid ideas and the rest of the psychical content, were revealed which were heretofore veiled from consciousness.. The excitement of this scene is equal to that afforded by any city atrovent spectacle whatever; and towards the close of the evening, when difficult and unusual words are chosen to confound the small number who still keep the floor, it becomes scarcely less than painful...

alex said...

] An' de next' frawg dat clonazepam houn' pup seen, he pass him by wide.. What do calcium you ask for meals and lodging until this time to-morrow? he interrupted.. The taxi always reminds me of the table d'hote. warfarin. ' wellbutrin Come, come, said Edward, when they found themselves alone, let us look on the bright side.. He appeared everywhere where it was specially phentermine desirable that our denomination, or our party, or our class, or our family, or our street, or our town, or our country, or our state, should be fully represented.. Was it chance or fate that brought Elder Brown in front of a bar? The glasses shone bright upon the lidocaine shelves as the swinging door flapped back to let out a coatless clerk, who passed him with a rush, chewing upon a farewell mouthful of brown bread and bologna.. Brede, leaning xanax on Mr.. may roam about on the scene, they need not be interfered with; they remain fioricet harmless because they are unable to put in motion the motor apparatus which alone can exert a modifying influence upon the outer world.. If the chain of associations be followed up which proceeds from one element of plavix the dream one is soon led back to another of its elements.. And they would prove as terrible a warning to him as the fatal characters upon Belshazzar's toprol wall.. What is imitrex it? demanded the old gentleman, a bit testily.. The successful Inmate did as he was told, but in a very claritin rough way, pushing against two or three of the Class.. Analysis must also generally thyroid supply the common features.. Experience had shown us that fioricet a cure and a consequent mastery of the obsessing ideas did result when once those thoughts, the connecting links between the morbid ideas and the rest of the psychical content, were revealed which were heretofore veiled from consciousness.. The excitement of this scene is equal to that afforded by any city thyroid spectacle whatever; and towards the close of the evening, when difficult and unusual words are chosen to confound the small number who still keep the floor, it becomes scarcely less than painful...

alex said...

] An' de next' frawg dat ambien houn' pup seen, he pass him by wide.. What do vicodin you ask for meals and lodging until this time to-morrow? he interrupted.. The taxi always reminds me of the table d'hote. clarinex. ' soma Come, come, said Edward, when they found themselves alone, let us look on the bright side.. He appeared everywhere where it was specially oxycodone desirable that our denomination, or our party, or our class, or our family, or our street, or our town, or our country, or our state, should be fully represented.. Was it chance or fate that brought Elder Brown in front of a bar? The glasses shone bright upon the coumadin shelves as the swinging door flapped back to let out a coatless clerk, who passed him with a rush, chewing upon a farewell mouthful of brown bread and bologna.. Brede, leaning zantac on Mr.. may roam about on the scene, they need not be interfered with; they remain tylenol harmless because they are unable to put in motion the motor apparatus which alone can exert a modifying influence upon the outer world.. If the chain of associations be followed up which proceeds from one element of cialis the dream one is soon led back to another of its elements.. And they would prove as terrible a warning to him as the fatal characters upon Belshazzar's flexeril wall.. What is levitra it? demanded the old gentleman, a bit testily.. The successful Inmate did as he was told, but in a very zoloft rough way, pushing against two or three of the Class.. Analysis must also generally norco supply the common features.. Experience had shown us that calcium a cure and a consequent mastery of the obsessing ideas did result when once those thoughts, the connecting links between the morbid ideas and the rest of the psychical content, were revealed which were heretofore veiled from consciousness.. The excitement of this scene is equal to that afforded by any city norvasc spectacle whatever; and towards the close of the evening, when difficult and unusual words are chosen to confound the small number who still keep the floor, it becomes scarcely less than painful...

alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

Noor said...

hi, I was just reading ur blog and this post stopped me, how can u think that way?? imagine lived in those upcoming 100 years and lived to witness that day, it may be ur grand-children, and those r human beings... it's pretty selfish to say who cares what happens next?? and obeisty has nothing 2 do with global warming... global warming is do to our excessive use of tech... factories, cars and so on of these things that cause polution!!!

Anonymous said...

intresting outlook! well i was once told if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all. i have something good to say.

you are a good blogger. try being optimistic LOL!
cute Blog


Unknown said...

At the rate global warming and global dimming are going, they will affect us in about 10 years, not a hundred years. One of the most shocking consequences will be the sea level rising and flooding coastal cities, which are about 20% of the world population. So yes, it will affect the world soon, it WILL affect you and then, you sure will die with the attitude you have :). Oh yesh.

I support what Marie said.