Sunday, April 23, 2006


I’m bored…That’s the whole point of this post…
To let everyone reading this know that I’m bored…
I find it very interesting…
I’m sitting here on my teacher’s pc…She thinks I’m working or something for the year book…She doesn’t know how wrong she is…I laugh at her…
She’s talking to Ti3gib…I don’t know…But I think I’m missing something important…Oh well…Doesn’t really matter…
Hmm…She’s saying something about people not working hard enough…I think she means me…
I never knew just how hard it was to find a pair of headphones in this school…Is it really so bad if I listen to a bit of music?
Oh well…I think I’ll just stop writing at this point or something…

Suicidal Tendency: 5/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor teacher:P