Sunday, April 23, 2006

Rainbows and Unicorns

Hmm…I have an idea…
And I need help…
Well since the posts in this blog are not what someone might call…I don’t know…Say…Happy posts? I’ve decided to change the template…And that’s where I need someone’s help…I’m looking for a nice bright template…With Rainbows and Unicorns…If anyone can help me with this…I would greatly appreciate it…
If you were wondering…I’m too lazy to make my own template or even look for one…

Tendency to make love to a unicorn 9/10


Anonymous said...

Please tell me you were sarcastic about it. I would hate to see the weirdgoat turn into the weirdunicorn.
Or maybe some weird hybrid, perhaps, like a unigoat?

weirdgoat said...

Unigoat sounds kinda nice actually...
And you may realize that there are no pretty unicorns prancing about the whole place...yet...

Anonymous said...

Oooh, a threat. Stick to the black, an. Matches the thoughts.