My Dreams...
Hey all, I know I haven’t been posting for a while.
It’s just that I’ve gotten really busy these past couple of weeks and just didn’t have the time to post anything.
And since I’m still fresh out of ideas, I’ve decided to post something off of my diary instead.
Dear Diary,
I hate my friend, she’s such a bitch…
Awain, I have to wear all pink for her stupid birthday party.
But, I don’t have any pink dresses, after my old one got torn trying to run away from my rapist ex-boyfriend…But enough about that.
I just want to know, when will I go to my first dance?
When will I get my first kiss?
When will I finally meet a boy who loves me?
I mean, aren’t these questions every girl thinks about?
Then why do I feel like nobody’s ever gone through what I went through? Why do I feel so alone?
And why is my friend being such a bitch about her party? I mean, I’m happy for her and all, But can’t she see what I’m going through? Waxing my legs is painful, PMS is painful...Sometimes I wish I wasn't a girl, just to escape all the pain...
Sometimes I just want to spread my wings and fly, to meet my prince charming, to enjoy the sights and sounds of the most romantic cities in the world...
I’ve got dreams…
My dreams…
These are my dreams…
hahahahahaa i liked this one XD
like you have a problem with that!! ur like totally GAY
never wear pink:P
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